
I started my adventurous career with graphic design and psychology at Washtenaw Community College... 

To get the hours and experience I needed to work during college I began working for Prudential Protective Services as their Site Supervisor for the Sisters of IHM (SSIHM) in Monroe, Michigan.  Upon receiving several college credits I was asked to work as the Marketing Director for a multi-million dollar aftermarket manufacturing company in Tecumseh, Michigan.  It was then when I was able refine my graphic design skills by creating magazine layouts, catalogs, and the techniques it takes for learning what works and what works well! 

Since that time I've expanded my skillset by not only freelancing, but maintaining this, another consulting business, putting in time where needed for Prudential and working full time as a Marketing Manger for another multi-million dollar company to stay on top of all of the current marketing trends.

Working with people on many different levels whether it was in the office or on site has given me the ability to be very multifaceted in the careers I've chosen.  This experience enabled me to see a larger picture of not only marketing and development, but also structure and implementation of all sorts of businesses.

What my experience can offer you...

  • Broad range of techniques & skills
  • Management on all levels
  • On & Off-site services
  • Online conferences, presentations & training
  • “Tier” programs
  • Hourly & project based rates
  • Willingness to travel
  • Mobile friendly websites
  • Creative ideas
  • Innovative Designs
  • Projects based on your brand
  • Discounts to charitable organizations
  • Multi project & word-of-mouth specials

Visit my Resume page